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LaTeX LaTeX This demo allows the user to convert LaTeX (pronounced "Lah-tek" or "Lej-tek") documents into a PNG-image. LaTeX goes back to Donald E. Knuth's TeX (pronounced "Tek"). LaTeX is very well suited for scientific and technical documents. LaTeX translates the input source text into the DVI-format (DeVice-Independent) - which is converted into the EPS-format Encapsulated PostScript) by means of the tool dvips (DVI-to-PostScript). Then, Ghostscript is used to convert the corresponding EPS-file into the PNG-format (Portable Network Graphics) which is fit for the world wide web. As alternative PDF and various other graphic formats are possible. Installed software: TexLive 2008 (scheme-full) and Ghostscript 8.63 This demo is also available as an Adobe Flash-Applet.

Hint: Please use \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} instead of encodings like \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}, or disable explicitly the UTF-8 checkbox! New: File upload with optional PNG/JPG to EPS conversion!

130215 characters possible
Resolution in DPI UTF-8
Templates & examples:
Create a URL for the created image and the LaTeX source. Using this
option will save image and source permanently on the server.


  • The Start LaTeX button converts the source text in the input field into a graphical representation.
  • The DPI(Dots Per Inch) input field indicates the resolution that is used to calculate the graphic representation (valid range: 60-600 DPI).
  • This checkbox UTF-8 sets the encoding of the LaTeX source file. UTF-8 vs. Latin-1
  • The Reset button clears the entire input field
  • Templates or examples can be copied into the input field via the Load button and the pull-down-menu.
  • The selection list Format enables the specification of the output format. In addition to the various image formats a PDF document can be produced with pdfwrite.